My Blog

What does it mean for a Mum to be in Energetic Alignment?

What does it mean for a Mum to be in Energetic Alignment?

Energetic alignment is not a destination. It’s a way of being. It’s the process of tuning into our multi-dimensional selves, witnessing our pain, expanding our perception, releasing our blockages and connecting with our inner guidance. It is an ongoing process to align all parts of ourselves. As a mum living in alignment, you parent in an energy of trust. You understand the natural ebbs and flows, and you honour and feel your emotion. When you experience difficult emotions, you allow yourself to fully feel and express them so you can set them free. When your children experience difficult emotions, you...

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6  Empowering Truths Worth Knowing in Pregnancy

6 Empowering Truths Worth Knowing in Pregnancy

An Aligned Motherhood begins with an Empowered Birth. Here are 6 truths worth knowing if you are aiming for an empowered birthing experience and a beautiful start to your motherhood journey Truth #1 Your birth experience matters I remember with my first and second babies, my attitude to birth was “It’s just something horrible I have to go through to get my baby. It’ll be over in 24 hours”. I did not consider the long term effects on me or my baby. I want you to know that your birth experience does matter. You and your baby are the only...

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How to Access & Trust Your Intuition as a Mum

How to Access & Trust Your Intuition as a Mum

Mother’s intuition is very real and it’s here to guide us ….but why do we find it so hard to trust it? Intuition is a natural ability in everyone. It’s a knowing that isn’t logical. Most of us have been brought up to use our minds when making decisions. For many of us decisions were made for us throughout our childhood – what to eat, when to eat, how much to eat, when to sleep, how much to sleep etc We were literally taught to ignore our body’s communication system and hand the decision making to someone outside of ourselves....

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Our natural state is wellness. Our energy field holds the template for perfect health. Even if we experience a disruption to our health we are perfectly designed to heal. We are designed to return to optimum wellness So what gets in the way of this healing? Sometimes shock & trauma can get stuck in our energy system preventing flow and healing. Trapped or unresolved emotions can interrupt flow too. And because our thoughts can cause our energy field to either contract or expand, the pattern of our thoughts also has an effect on our flow. When we tune into our...

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10 Tips to help you to live in Alignment

10 Tips to help you to live in Alignment

Our soul is like a current of energy that flows from source just like a stream from a river. Being in the flow means going with the current of our soul’s energy. Just like a river, it has momentum as it flows. We humans have free will and so with can think and feel and do things that go with this current or we can think and feel and do things that go against this current.
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How are you really?  4 steps for tuning in to the truth of how you feel

How are you really? 4 steps for tuning in to the truth of how you feel

We humans are masters at distraction! We love our phones, our Netflix, our food, our coffee, our chats with friends. We make lists. We keep busy. We avoid sitting still, because for many of us, facing the truth of how we feel can be quite overwhelming. The problem is, that if we wish to live in alignment, we need to use our emotions for guidance - much like the Sat Nav in the car. Feelings of contraction and resistance are indicators that we have travelled off our path.  In contrast, feelings of expansion, inspiration and joy are road marks that we...

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