An Introduction to Energy Healing for Mums
As a Mum we can use Energy Healing as a powerful tool to support our children with sleep, anxiety, behavioural issues, digestive problems, skin issues, illness etc
In this workshop I share with you everything I wish I had known when I first became a Mum and how I have incorporated energy healing into everyday life in my home
The Aligned Mama Soothing Session
Soften into your Strength
60 minutes of guidance and space for mums seeking healing, clarity, and alignment in their lives.
IoPT with Deirdre Kennedy
With Yourself
IoPT is a theory based on reconnecting with lost parts of ourselves, which are time-frozen in our nervous systems and consciousness awareness. The Intention Method uses IoPT theory to make an Intention of SELF ENQUIRY for personal growth
Feng Shui for Mums
Feng Shui is all about balancing the Yin and Yang ENERGY in your home to bring a beautiful flow of abundance, peace and harmony into your home.
To Oonagh Feng Shui is like a holistic treatment for your home.
It is not just people who need reflexology or a massage every now and again to give us a boost of energy; but our home also holds energy and needs an way to release negative blockages and boost positive energies.
This is when Feng Shui comes in.