My Blog

My Aligned Menopause

My Aligned Menopause

As I write this I am 2 weeks off 50 years of age. I have regular periods, no sign of night sweats or hot flashes. So of course until recently whenever I saw an article or post on Menopause I swiped right by  My preparation for menopause has been very much like my approach to childbirth. I know it’s coming and it’ll be painful…… but I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. I have since learned that, just like child birth, there’s a lot we can do to create a positive experience… we have a lot more power...

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The Role of Energy Healing in Conscious Parenting

The Role of Energy Healing in Conscious Parenting

What does Conscious Parenting mean? It means to be mindful and intentional as a mum. It means focusing on the holistic development of our child's physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. But in all the discussion we hear about Conscious Parenting, there is transformative force that is often overlooked – energy healing. I believe energy healing plays a vital role in conscious parenting, and a little knowledge in this area can have a profound impact on both parents and children.   Understanding Energy Healing At its core, energy healing recognizes the human body not merely as a physical entity but as...

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How Our Core Beliefs Shape Our Motherhood Experience

How Our Core Beliefs Shape Our Motherhood Experience

I am useless. I am failing. I’m not capable. I am weak. I am bad. I’m no fun. I’m stupid. I’m lazy. These are some examples of the thoughts that went through my head on a daily basis in the early years of my Motherhood journey. They felt very true to me, and the evidence was clear, as I compared myself to all my mum friends. I obviously wasn’t cut out for Motherhood. I look back on my younger self now and I think God she was great. So capable, So wise. So strong. So good. So why did I...

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Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes: Embracing Freedom in Motherhood

Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes: Embracing Freedom in Motherhood

The phrase "Nothing changes if nothing changes" serves as a powerful reminder that our lives are moulded by the choices we make every day. This blog is dedicated to overwhelmed mothers who may not realize that their own behaviours and patterns are contributing to their feelings of enslavement. As a recovering ‘overwhelmed Mother’ I can look back now and see how I put so much pressure on myself when my girls were small. My approach with my third child is so different because I have quite simply let go many of the 'shoulds'!  I have chosen a easier, more enjoyable...

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Unmasking Mother's Rage: The Journey to Healing and Empowerment

Unmasking Mother's Rage: The Journey to Healing and Empowerment

I was fine. I was absolutely fine. Until I wasn’t. I remember trying so hard to be the perfect mum. To be gentle and patient. I could last for days sometimes. But then one small insignificant thing could lead to an eruption of rage that seemed to come from nowhere. Followed swiftly of course by guilt. I know I’m not the only Mum who has experienced this. Many mothers can struggle with a deep sense of rage that can be overwhelming and puzzling. However, when we explore the emotions underlying this rage, we uncover a profound truth: Mother rage is...

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Nurturing Authenticity: How Energy Healing Empowers Teenagers to Trust Their Inner Voice

Nurturing Authenticity: How Energy Healing Empowers Teenagers to Trust Their Inner Voice

My girls are now age 15 and 17. When they were small they would ask me to “do the bio” whenever they had a sore tummy or couldn’t sleep. Then there were a couple of years, that even if they were on their death beds, they wouldn't want energy healing because “it’s weird!” I am so pleased that in recent times they have opened up to it again. When they are struggling, they don’t want my advice, but when they lay down on my treatment bed I can offer them something much better……access to their own inner wisdom. We know...

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