3 Steps to Living the Aligned Mama Life
I think that’s the best word to describe how I felt in the early years of Motherhood. I felt like I had taken a job that I was not qualified to do. Like I had signed a contract, so I showed up every day and tried my best. And every day I felt inadequate. Every day I felt like I was failing.
Oh I bought the books and followed the parenting experts. I understood the concept of gentle parenting and would have loved to implement it. I recognized the need for self care. But in reality these approaches felt too difficult to apply and I was left feeling inadequate once again
If this resonates with you here’s what I want you to know
I now can see that the reason I felt inadequate is because I was parenting without accessing all the resources available to me. It was like trying to cook a dinner with one hand tied behind your back. You’d get there in the end but it was much harder than it needed to be
I want to share with you the steps I went through really helped me move into a place of confidence and joy in my motherhood journey
Of course this is a work in progress but receiving Energy Healing had a massive impact on my life. Firstly I had much more energy and what a difference that made. I also learned to hear and trust my inner guidance and I stopped looking to other to tell what was right for my family. With this my confidence grew. Finally I started to see my life from a wider perspective…a soul perspective, which makes it easier to not take everything so seriously!
For me Birth Trauma had caused a disruption to my energy flow and that of my first child. This set me up for a difficult path. Clearing this had such a profound effect on me that I now offer the same treatment in my clinic . You can read more about the Mother & Child Sessions I offer here
Learning about Energy Healing was incredibly empowering. I learned how to look after my own vibration first so the I could stay firing on all cylinders. I then came to see my children as energetic beings too, and I learned how to help them stay in alignment.
A child in alignment sleeps better, eats better, behaves better, learns better…….and all of this eliminates much of the pressure of parenting. It also took away the fear that used to come when my children were ill with the normal childhood illnesses. It was so empowering to be able help them without need for doctors or medicine. If you like the idea of using energy healing in your home I think you will love the Aligned Mama Membership. You can learn more here
I think it’s lovely to connect with other Mums. It’s comforting to know that we are not alone in our challenges. However I found that once I had started on my healing journey, being in the company of Mums who constantly gave out about motherhood and their children, was incredibly draining for me.
I know Motherhood can be challenging but I also believe we can set ourselves up for an easier life. I believe that once we have access to our energy, access to our inner guidance and a knowledge of empowering tools to support ourselves and our children, Motherhood can be a totally different experience
If you are finding Motherhood a struggle and you are open to a different way, you may like to connect with the Mums inside the Aligned Mama Membership. We have online meetups every month, and in person gatherings every three months. You can learn more here