The Universe has Your Back- The Book that Changed my Life
In May 2018 YouTube randomly guided me to an audio book by Gabby Bernstein. I had never heard of Gabby, or her book entitled The Universe has Your Back. It just started in autoplay as I was out for a walk. I ended up walking for 2 hours because I was hanging on every word.
At that time, I had just returned to full time work as a Primary School Teacher, following maternity leave. I found it really difficult going back. I had just had the happiest year of my life, at home with my little boy, and I didn’t want our cosy set up to end.
But I had to…..didn’t I?
I mean I would have liked to work as an Energy Therapist in the evenings and had my days at home with my children…….but it wasn’t the right time. We didn’t have money in the bank. It would be irresponsible to give up a permanent pensionable job….wouldn’t it?? What if I didn't get clients? What if I became ill and couldn't work?
The Universe Has Your Back offered me a whole new perspective. As soon as I had listened to the Audio book I ordered a hard copy, and as soon as it arrived, I devoured it and journaled on all the teachings.
Two weeks later I handed in my notice and I haven't looked back since
Here’s what I learned in a nutshell
- There are only two ways to look at our lives. We can look through the eyes of fear or we can look through the eyes of love
- Fear immediately shows us what could possibly go wrong in any given situation.
- Love asks what could possibly go right!
- Fear is contractive. It feels restrictive and tight in the body. It is often accompanied by anxiety, doubt and exhaustion.
- Love feels expansive, open, soft in the body. It is often accompanied by excitement, energy & joy.
- Your feelings will help you navigate your path. Expansive joyful feelings tell you, you are in alignment with your soul’s path.
- The presence of fear is a sure sign you are relying on your own strength.
- Ask the Universe for help. Ask for a sign
- Welcome creative possibilities
- Remember obstacles are often detours in the right direction.
- Trust.
I have continued with this approach and it has brought me great joy and peace knowing that the Universe has my back! If you are at a turning point in your life I definitely recommend reading this book. In the meantime here are some journal prompts to get you in the right frame of mind!
Journal Prompts
Can you think of times in your life where the Universe guided you?
Can you think of times in your life where obstacles which seemed awful at the time, actually guided you in the right direction?
What does it feel like when you place your trust in the Universe?
What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
What fearful thoughts have been running in your head about this desire?
If everything went right…what would it look like/feel like?
Lean toward Love and you will be Led
Prayer: Help me Universe to look at this situation through the eyes of Love