What does it mean for a Mum to be in Energetic Alignment?
Energetic alignment is not a destination. It’s a way of being. It’s the process of tuning into our multi-dimensional selves, witnessing our pain, expanding our perception, releasing our blockages and connecting with our inner guidance. It is an ongoing process to align all parts of ourselves.
As a mum living in alignment, you parent in an energy of trust. You understand the natural ebbs and flows, and you honour and feel your emotion. When you experience difficult emotions, you allow yourself to fully feel and express them so you can set them free. When your children experience difficult emotions, you allow them to fully feel and express them. You take nothing personally.
As an aligned mum, you’re tapped into your unique wisdom. You have clarity and confidence You recognise your children as multi dimensional beings and trust that they have access to their own unique wisdom also. You view your parenting experience from a wider perspective and therefore you don’t sweat the small stuff
When you’re in energetic alignment, you protect and channel your energy in a way that allows you to honour yourself and choose feeling good above all else. You recognise that you attract into your experience, a life that matches your vibration so awareness of your vibration is crucial.
You’re aware that your thoughts have a huge impacts on your vibration so you choose to focus on what could possible go right instead of worrying about what could possibly go wrong. In doing this you embody the high-vibration energy and positive emotion needed to bring positive creations to life. In modelling this your children do the same.
You let go of everything that you were told you should be. You don’t pretend nor try to be happy. You understand that true happiness is so much more than a mindset, it’s a state of harmony & balance that’s felt from the depth of your soul. You’re happy because you’re authentically yourself and exerting your energy towards those things that make you light up and feel whole.
Your heart, mind, body, and spirit energy are all working together, This is what we call living in flow, living in alignment.
How to Access Energetic Alignment
Step 1 : Tuning in into our Multi-Dimensional Selves
Mindfulness, meditation, prayer and yoga are some of the ways we can begin to tune into our multi-dimensional selves. When we can become the witness of our thoughts & emotions we align with the part of us that is not involved the drama of life. Consider: who is doing the witnessing?
Step 2: Witnessing our Pain
Human habits often lead us to ignore and distract ourselves from our pain. But it is only through witnessing our pain we can be free from it. Once again as we step into the role of witness we realise that we are not our pain. We are not our thoughts. We are not our emotions. Who are we? We are then witness
Mindfulness and meditation help us step into the role of witness. Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping) is a powerful technique that cam help us witness and then release physical & emotional pain. Journaling too can help us witness and release.
Step 3: Expanding Our Perception
Awareness is everything. Learning to witness without judgement is empowering. Listening to inspiring teachers can offer not only mindset shifts, but energetic shifts, that lead to a whole new way of viewing our lives. Being open to learning and open to changing is a powerful vibration to be in. Magic can happen!
Step 4: Releasing our Blockages
We all have energetic blockages, many of them accumulated since childhood. Bio Energy Healing, pendulum healing, EFT (Tapping) and essential oils are tools ad techniques we can use to release those blockages for ourselves and for our children. When we clear our blockages it is so much easier to make the choices necessary to keep our energy flowing and our vibration aligned.
Step 5: Connecting with our Intuitive Wisdom
There is a stream of wisdom flowing through us all the time. Mindfulness, meditation, journaling, creative arts, music, poetry are all ways in which we can connect. Our intuition is like an internal sat nav. It guides through love not fear and as mums learning to trust our inner guidance is a game changer. It cuts out all the noise about what we ‘should’ be doing.
If you’re looking for an opportunity to tune into your multi-dimensional self, learn to witness and heal your pain, expand your perception, release your blockages and connect with your intuitive wisdom I invite you to join the Aligned Mama Membership Click here to learn more