How to Access & Trust Your Intuition as a Mum
Mother’s intuition is very real and it’s here to guide us ….but why do we find it so hard to trust it?
Intuition is a natural ability in everyone. It’s a knowing that isn’t logical.
Most of us have been brought up to use our minds when making decisions. For many of us decisions were made for us throughout our childhood – what to eat, when to eat, how much to eat, when to sleep, how much to sleep etc We were literally taught to ignore our body’s communication system and hand the decision making to someone outside of ourselves. If you had expressed a 'feeling' about something that wasn’t logical, it would surely have been dismissed
Fast forward to becoming a parent. Suddenly we are faced with making decisions that will impact another little human being. We have an endless amount of decisions to make. Many of us wade through the advice of countless well-meaning friends and family members. Not to mention the mountain of conflicting advice on social media on every topic you can think of related to parenting.
But here’s the thing – we have infinite wisdom within ourselves and that wisdom is readily available to us anytime if we take a bit of time to tap into it.
The first step is recognizing that you have it and that it serves a purpose: to protect and guide you.
So how can we reconnect with this part of ourselves.
- Simply set the intention to connect with your intuition. Our intuition is speaking to us all the time but unless we actively choose to tune in we can’t receive the information
- Approach it as an experiment or as a game. In the beginning you really won’t be sure whether it’s your mind or your intuition talking. Follow what you think is your inner guidance and observe the outcome as you would if conducting an experiment.
- Begin by practicing listening to and responding to your body’s needs. How am I in this moment? Am I tired? Am I hungry or thirsty? What does my body need right now
- Pay attention to your breath when you are making decisions. Is it shallow/deep? Is it fast/slow? How do you breathe when you experience relief? That’s the feeling you’re looking for because that the truth frequency.
- The more we can quieten the mind the easier it is to connect: Tuning into the present moment provides an opportunity to be home in your body and therefore be there to receive any messages. If your energy is off in the future or revisiting the past it cannot receive.
- Journal: It’s also an incredible opportunity to intentionally slow down and come into the present moment. It takes your focus off your to do list, and requires that you focus on what you’re experiencing right now in the present moment. Both of these are a beautiful recipe for more easily accessing your intuition. If you have a problem to solve simply ask an open question such as “If I knew that the solution to this what would it be?”
But how can we learn trust the information we think we are getting
- Balance Your Chakras:
If you’d like to learn more about balancing the chakras you’ll find a full section on the topic inside the Aligned Mama Membership Tell Me More
- Record Your Experiences
As you’re learning to tap into your intuition, it’s also incredibly helpful to keep a record of when you followed your intuition and the outcome. It helps increase your trust and confidence in your intuition and yourself. And when you’re having a bad day, which is inevitable, you’ll have these amazing reminders to flip back through.