Our natural state is wellness. Our energy field holds the template for perfect health. Even if we experience a disruption to our health we are perfectly designed to heal. We are designed to return to optimum wellness
So what gets in the way of this healing?
Sometimes shock & trauma can get stuck in our energy system preventing flow and healing. Trapped or unresolved emotions can interrupt flow too. And because our thoughts can cause our energy field to either contract or expand, the pattern of our thoughts also has an effect on our flow. When we tune into our energy bodies with our intention, we can truly change our lives physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Self-healing is a process through which you acknowledge the shock and trauma you’ve experienced in your life, witness emotions as they reveal themselves to you and become conscious of your thoughts and how they affect your vibration. It is the process integrating practices into your life that keep your energy expanded and flowing therefore allowing the healing process to run its course
Imagine if we approached self healing in the same way as we might approach a renovation project in our home
- We’d firstly get a clear idea of what we want (in this case how we want to feel)
- We’d create a plan
- We may bring in outside contractors /experts
- We wouldn’t expect it to be done overnight but we’d witness the process and at would celebrate as each stage of the project was achieved
- We wouldn’t cut corners, we’d invest in the best because we might have to live with renovation for a long time
- There may possibly be set backs or delays but we’d keep our eyes on the prize
- And how satisfying would it be to see your vision come true
Are you ready to begin your Self Healing journey?
Step one in self healing and believing it’s possible. Journaling to create a clear vision of how you want to feel is a great start. Taking the time to pay attention to your health, happiness & wellbeing makes you become an active force in designing it.
Step Two is becoming really aware of how you feel You can do this through building awareness, tuning in to your frequency and using self guided meditation
If you'd like to learn these techniques you will love The Aligned Mama Membership. Click here to learn more
Guided Self-healing Meditation
Imagine that you are standing or sitting under a shower of healing energy
Imagine that this healing energy flows down through your head, down your neck down your arms and out your finger tips.
It also flows down your body, down your legs out your feet and out into the earth
With each breath in you invite in this healing energy. With each breath out you release old energy.
The new energy brings new life, vitality and healing.
It washes away any old cells, damaged cells, any cells that cannot be repaired. See the cells being carried away down your body, down your legs, and out into the earth
The new energy washes away any stuck energy, any stagnant energy, any negative energy, any energy that is not your own, washes it away down you legs out you feet and down into the earth.
You are controlling your own healing now. With each breath in you invite in healing. With each breath out you release anything that doesn’t serve you- down your body, down your legs and out into the earth
If you have a particular area in the body that requires healing you can direct the energy there. If you have hip pain direct the energy to your hip and see it wash away the pain. If it’s anxiety in your chest see the anxiety dissolve in the stream of healing energy and be carried away. If it’s an overactive mind see the healing energy carry away any negative repetitive thoughts that are not helpful.
Spend as long as you like in any areas of your body and know that you are powerful, your intention is everything and you have the collaboration of the healing energy of the Universe flowing through you
Anne McMahon said:
You are speaking to the converted here Oonagh. I have been on a self healing journey for over 40 years. I practise meditation every day and I find it superb. Well done on reaching out to people with life’s greatest gifts
January 20, 2023
Fiona Milton said:
Thank you, this is just an excellent way of looking at self care, understanding and self compassion…also l9ve the meditation , thanks Oonagh
September 05, 2022