10 Tips to help you to live in Alignment
What does living in Alignment mean?
Our soul is like a current of energy that flows from source just like a stream from a river. Being in the flow means going with the current of our soul’s energy. Just like a river, it has momentum as it flows. We humans have free will and so we have a choice to either think and feel and do things that go with this current OR we can choose to think and feel and do things that go against this current.
When we are going with the current we are living in alignment. When we go against the current are out of alignment
When we are going with the current we know it because of the way it feels. It feels like relief. It feels like expansion. This translates in our body like inspiration, excitement, passion, joy and appreciation. We are in the flow.
When we are going against the current we also know because of the way we feel. It will feel internally like resistance and tension. This translates in our body like feeling stuck, powerless, frustrated, anxious or depressed. It can literally feel like we are walking upstream against a very powerful current, which is exhausting.
When we are in the flow it means we are going with the flow. As a result we are carried along in the direction of everything our heart desires. We have the full support of the Universe behind us and we live a full, joyful life with ease.
Easy right?
The challenge of living in alignment comes from giving too much attention to our mind and not enough attention to our soul!
Here are 10 tips to help you live in Alignment:
- Prioritise how you feel above every other thing else. Do not take a single action until you are in alignment on an emotional level i.e. feeling relief & expansion. Click here for 4 steps to help you tune in to the truth of how you are really feeling.
- Get clear on what you want. Desire creates the momentum of the stream of energy (we are here to create!). The more we can trust that the Universe has our back, the more we can go with the flow even if it seems in a different direction to where we want to go. The Universe often brings is on detours to help us grow but ultimately is bringing us to where our heart desires. Click here for journal prompts to help you get clear on what you want.
- We need to become aware of and integrate our own fragmentation. We all have unconscious limiting beliefs which create contradictory desires within us. E.g. One part of us wants to a career in music, another part believes a 9 to 5 job is for the best. Click here to Watch Teal video Fragmentation
- Be responsive. Be open to change. Be flexible. Change with the tides.
- Act fast on inspiration. Write down your inspiration as quickly as possible so momentum isn’t lost.
- Practice being completely present. Click here to learn about the power of the present moment for healing.
- Become familiar the feeling of rightness or truth within your being. Remember truth feels like relief, expansion and ease. Tune into how you feel before you make decisions.
- Watch out for synchronicity. This is the road marker for flow. Synchronicity is a meaningful occurrence that cannot be explained through cause & effect. It is these moments you can see the interconnectedness between your own flow and flow of the universe at large. It demonstrates that you are in the right place at the right time. All is well.
- Meditate daily – a way to check in to see where you are in terms of alignment. We are very good at distracting ourselves from how we really feel. When we sit in silence the experience the truth of how we are. We also are more likely to hear the inner guidance available to us all
- Follow your joy. Joy opens the hearts centre and connects us with our soul. Write a list of all the things that brings you joy. Do more of that!
Living in Alignment is a lifelong practice. It’s never done. But when you commit to living in alignment, over time, it becomes second nature
Finally some affirmations from Gabby Bernstein to keep you on track!
Natalie Middleton said:
Thank you. A lovely read 🥰💜🙏
August 06, 2022
Denise Halligan said:
Hi Oonagh,
I absolutely loved reading your Vlog. You are a wealth of information and for that I Thank you So so much.
Thank you for your kindness in helping people like me you truly are a breath of fresh air😘.
I can’t wait to start practicing your tips. Enjoy Wexford, I’m lucky enough to live in Wexford and it is a fantastic County.
Love Denise. 🙏😇👏👌💕xx
August 06, 2022