"Motherhood is a Spiritual Practice" Gabby Bernstein I think we can all agree that becoming a mother brings both immense joy and great challenges! For me, learning to live in alignment and to cultivate self-love and acceptance are essential in motherhood. In this blog post, I share some of the principals or beliefs that help me to live as an Aligned Mama. 1: Recognizing our Multi-Dimensional Nature As an Aligned Mama, I acknowledge that I am a multi-dimensional being. For me, one of the greatest benefits of learning about Energy Healing, was the confirmation that we are indeed spiritual beings having a...
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In this blog, I want to being to your attention to the profound interplay between hormones and energy healing modalities, such as Bio Energy Healing, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Dowsing. These transformative practices offer not only a deeper understanding of hormonal dynamics but also practical tools to navigate hormonal imbalances with grace and resilience. FIRST A CRASH COURSE IN HORMONES When it comes to Peri Menopause you may be familiar with the conversation around Estrogen, Testosterone and Progesterone. Being labelled our sex hormones, it's easy to understand why many of us would think their role in the body is...
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As I write this I am 2 weeks off 50 years of age. I have regular periods, no sign of night sweats or hot flashes. So of course until recently whenever I saw an article or post on Menopause I swiped right by My preparation for menopause has been very much like my approach to childbirth. I know it’s coming and it’ll be painful…… but I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. I have since learned that, just like child birth, there’s a lot we can do to create a positive experience… we have a lot more power...
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What does Conscious Parenting mean? It means to be mindful and intentional as a mum. It means focusing on the holistic development of our child's physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. But in all the discussion we hear about Conscious Parenting, there is transformative force that is often overlooked – energy healing. I believe energy healing plays a vital role in conscious parenting, and a little knowledge in this area can have a profound impact on both parents and children. Understanding Energy Healing At its core, energy healing recognizes the human body not merely as a physical entity but as...
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I am useless. I am failing. I’m not capable. I am weak. I am bad. I’m no fun. I’m stupid. I’m lazy. These are some examples of the thoughts that went through my head on a daily basis in the early years of my Motherhood journey. They felt very true to me, and the evidence was clear, as I compared myself to all my mum friends. I obviously wasn’t cut out for Motherhood. I look back on my younger self now and I think God she was great. So capable, So wise. So strong. So good. So why did I...
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The phrase "Nothing changes if nothing changes" serves as a powerful reminder that our lives are moulded by the choices we make every day. This blog is dedicated to overwhelmed mothers who may not realize that their own behaviours and patterns are contributing to their feelings of enslavement. As a recovering ‘overwhelmed Mother’ I can look back now and see how I put so much pressure on myself when my girls were small. My approach with my third child is so different because I have quite simply let go many of the 'shoulds'! I have chosen a easier, more enjoyable...
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