A 6 Week Circle for Women who wish to experience an Empowered, Healthy and Happy Life during Peri Menopause and Beyond!

"Menopause is inevitable but suffering is not"

Dr Mary Claire Haver



  • You are over 35 and female
  • You’re easily stressed
  • You’re on an emotional roller coaster and can’t get off. This may include deep sadness and extreme rage
  • You ache all over. Perhaps you have frozen shoulder or other joint issues
  • You regularly forget what you’re doing, where you’re going, names of people and places, maybe even conversations you’ve had
  • You find it difficult to get to sleep or back to sleep
  • You are exhausted. Even the simplest of tasks feel too hard
  • You suffer from frequent UTIs, bladder issues and urinary incontinence
  • You have belly fat that just won’t shift despite your best efforts
  • You are aware of life style changes (nutrition, exercise, stress management) but it all just feels too hard because you’re in survival mode
  • You are fed up feeling like **** and you’re ready to take control of your life
It doesn't have to be that way

"The symptoms you are experiencing are cries for help from your miraculous body." Dr Mindy Pelz


Hi, I'm Oonagh

I had my last baby at 43 and put many of my symptoms down to older motherhood, teens, running my own business etc. I mastered the art of self care, creating a nice, spacious life for myself.........and yet, I was struggling.

At 49 I learned about peri menopause.....49! That's nuts! We need to be learning this earlier but let's move from where we are at. I am taking control and I invite you to do the same!

My Aligned Menopause

A 6 Week Women's Circle designed to empower you to live happily and healthily during peri menopause and beyond!


  • You would like some support and company on this menopausal journey 
  • You’d like to understand better what exactly is happening in your body at this time
  • You want to feel connected with your power
  • You want to feel strong and well and excited about life!
  • You are open to learning and open to healing
  • You are open to exploring new ways to nourish and support your body
  • You want to reduce or eliminate the symptoms you’ve been experiencing
  • You refuse to be a victim of hormones or aging!
  • You want the next part of your life to be the best part of your life!.


✓ Weekly Zooms which will involve a combination of learning and healing. (Recordings will be available if you can't attend live)

✓ WhatsApp Community Support for 6 weeks

✓ Free attendance at upcoming Soothing Sessions in Inner child and Conflict resolution (both very relevant to menopause!)

"Each time women gather together in Circles with each other, the world heals a little bit more"

In these 6 weeks you'll not only be reclaiming your power for yourself, but for all women. Every woman needs to know this!

Keep reading to see what we'll cover over the six weeks....



Much like adolescence, the peri menopause is a time of massive transformation in a woman’s life. But nobody talks about it. Our hormonal system is changing, therefore our bodies are changing and our brain chemistry is changing and yet we try continue life as if nothing has changed!

In addition at this time our souls are calling us to connect with our voices, connect with our power and to express who we truly are

You will learn:

✓ The symptoms of  Peri Menopause, Menopause and Post Menopause

✓ The cause of those symptoms

✓ The Spiritual perspective on Menopause

✓ How we can best support ourselves physically, emotionally and spiritually during this stage of our lives 

What to expect:
The first half of this session presents an opportunity to gain a greater understanding of this phase of our lives. The second half will be a healing session centred around acceptance and preparation to embrace change.

"If you keep doing what you keep doing, you keep getting what you keep getting"



For many of us our idea of eating healthily involves a low calorie diet. Unfortunately this can often mean low protein and low fat, both of which we need at this time. Our ability to digest carbs and sugars changes also. This means we need to change what we are eating.

For some of us living with symptoms such as fatigue and low mood has lead to sugar and carb addiction that leaves us feeling stuck.

You will learn:

✓ Why we experience inflammation in Menopause

✓ How an anti-inflammatory diet can support us at this time

✓ Which foods cause inflammation and should be excluded from our diet

✓ Which foods have an anti-inflammatory effect

✓ How to realistically bring an anti-inflammatory diet into family life

✓ Where to start bringing in nutritional change

What to expect:
The first half of this session presents an opportunity to gain a greater understanding of the role of nutrition during this phase of our lives. The second half will be a healing session centred around acceptance and preparation to embrace change in our diets

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” ― Hippocrates.



If you're not familiar with intermittent fasting, it's a pattern of eating that cycles between periods of fasting and periods of eating (healthy foods within a certain “eating window.” ) Research has shown that intermittent fasting can help with many of the symptoms of Menopause such as weight gain, brain fog and pain

You will learn:

✓ What intermittent fasting is and how it can fit around family life

✓ The benefits of intermittent fasting

✓ How to begin intermittent fasting

What to expect:

The first half of this session presents an opportunity to gain a greater understanding of the role of fasting during this phase of our lives. The second half will be a healing session centred around clearing resistance to fasting. This will include ancestral healing as many of us remain connected to the trauma of the famine.

"Fasting is the first principal of medicine. Fast and see the strength of the spirit reveal itself" Rumi



As we age our muscles and bones get weaker, and our posture and balance are less stable. Flexibility also drops, and weight gain happens. Strength training slows down physical aging by making your body stronger. We can build muscle and bone with the right nutrition and exercise

You will learn:

✓ The reasons why Strength Training is essential in Menopause

✓ How to introduce Strength Training into your life

What to expect:

The first half of this session presents an opportunity to gain a greater understanding of the role of exercise during this phase of our lives. The second half will be a healing session centred around clearing resistance to exercising.

"Strong is the new healthy." Dr Mary Claire Haver



Estrogen affects the production of serotonin. Serotonin is a mood regulator and happiness booster so irritability is to be expected. But I also believe this is a time in a woman’s life where she is done ‘giving’ and needs to set boundaries and reclaim her energy

You will learn:

✓ The physiological reasons for rage at this time

✓ A spiritual perspective on rage 

What to expect:

The first half of this session presents an opportunity to gain a greater understanding of the why we experience rage during this phase of our lives. The second half will be a healing session centred around clearing rage and connecting with self compassion

"A moment of self-compassion can change your entire day. A string of such moments can change the course of your life"

Christopher Gerner



Menopause is a profound and
transformative chapter in very woman’s life. But it's not just a biological shift. As your body undergoes changes, so too does your mind, creating a unique opportunity for you to open the doors to self-discovery and the pursuit of your dreams.

You will learn:

✓ How to ground yourself

✓ How to connect with your inner guidance

✓ How to work with the laws of the Universe yo create a life you love

What to expect:

The first half of this session presents an opportunity to gain a greater understanding of the laws of the Universe. The second will be a healing session centred on worthiness and self love.

"There is a Stream of Love Supporting my Dreams" Gabby Bernstein

Your Happiness & Wellbeing

Investing in You

Gain access to 6 weeks of learning, healing and support so that you can enjoy the next chapter of your life.



Payment Plan options available upon request

Strong and Nurturing

Oonagh has the most calming and beautiful energy. I find her information feels like it’s creates a sense of home in my body. It’s as if what she is saying gently falls into the cells and creates a sense of connection and validation. Her vibe is strong and nurturing. You couldn’t be in better hands of a facilitator than when it comes to being presented information by Oonagh. She has a gift of empowering you to feel understood and a to top it off a quick sense of humour to bring it all in together

Katie Anne

Highly Recommend

Highly recommend Oonagh and her wonderful courses. No matter what the topic, Oonagh has a beautiful, simple way of explaining and getting a message across. She is a breath of fresh air to listen to and a wealth of knowledge. I can guarantee once you do one course you fall in love and sign up to more. They are so informative and enjoyable Highly recommend.


Passion & Experience

Oonagh has not only a great command of the material she teaches, she has passion, experience and incredible generosity of spirit. Oonagh has the ability to teach with diligence, knowledge and a great sense of humour. I love her workshops and always come away with skills and ways for dealing with the challenges in life.



I couldn’t recommend Oonagh enough, I've attended training with Oonagh and her approach to teaching and passion for what she does is nothing short of exceptional. Oonagh has been a massive inspiration to me since I started training with her and a great support throughout


Great Fun!

Being part of any course facilitated by Oonagh is one of the best gifts I have ever given myself. She has the ability to put you at ease straight away, is a fountain of knowledge and great fun
