Despite a diagnosis of terminal cancer since November 2020, a dear friend of mine, recently told me that she’d had the most wonderful year! I was offering my sympathy to her for the challenging times she was going through. She shared with me that while it had been physically difficult with all her treatment, and certainly hard to watch her family worry, she had soaked up every moment with her children, every sunrise, every drop of rain, every cup of coffee and lived in a state of pure bliss… simply grateful to still be here.
Now there’s a kick up the bum if I ever needed one! Do we need a terminal diagnosis to achieve this shift in perception? Don’t we all have a terminal diagnosis actually….. because the truth is none of us can guarantee we will be here tomorrow?
This got me thinking about my own mission. I always say I want to help Mums to get in alignment and stay in alignment ( most of the time!). In fact I’ve called my next project the Aligned Mama Programme but what does that mean?
Let me be clear. You can be an Aligned Mama and still:
Need a break
Get annoyed
Loose your temper
Experience sadness, guilt, grief, fear, doubt….and the rest
But here’s the difference
The Aligned Mama is the observer of her experience. She knows she is on earth to experience the full spectrum of experiences and emotions and most importantly she realises that the same is true for her children
The Aligned mama knows that to experience joy she must know sadness, to experience trust she must know doubt, to experience love she must know grief, to fully experience life, she must face death.
She is aware that our time here is limited and that all could change in a moment, so she soaks up her experiences, the good the bad and the ugly.
I got a taste of that with my little boy Johnny. He has a heart condition and when in the womb the prognosis was not good. The wonderful positive affect of this situation was that when we brought him home, I never once got upset about being tired or sore. I was so incredibly grateful to hear his cries for milk in the night, so incredibly grateful to see him grow strong and cheeky and wreck my house and sometimes wreck my head, but everyday I know it could have gone differently.
So the Aligned Mama maybe doesn’t have a perfect house, or a perfect figure. She may not always have organic home cooked meals or do stimulating educational activities with kids. She may occasionally loose her temper or even cry.
But the Aligned Mama accepts that there nothing is wrong with her…… or her children. She doesn’t join in the drama. She is aware and realises in every given moment that she has a choice how to perceive the situation and how to react. And considering death is one of the quickest ways to remind us what is important.
My dear friend died peacefully at home with her family around her, on Sunday 28th November 2021. RIP Beautiful Lady.
The Aligned Mama Programme is an Energy Healing Training Course for Mums. But it is much more than that. It is my hope I can help mums to surf the up & down waves of life, without drowning, with an open heart and a genuine love of motherhood and life. (Details coming soon!)
Elaine said:
Sending my deepest sympathies on the passing of your dear friend.
April 20, 2022
Martina Hanly said:
Thanks for that Oonagh. So sad but a reminder of what’s really important. M
April 20, 2022
siobhan cronin said:
cant wait oonagh
April 20, 2022