Mums! 5 Reasons You’re Feeling Overwhelmed and What You Can Do About it
One day in 2011 I learned that the reason I was tired all the time, the reason I was angry all the time, the reason everyday tasks felt overwhelming, the reason I wasn’t enjoying being a Mum............. was because of a disruption to my energy system, caused, in my case, by trauma on the day of my first child’s birth.
Many of us experience physical and emotional turbulence on the way to motherhood. For some there is trauma on the road to conception, for others a difficult pregnancy, and sadly for many, trauma during the birth (you can read more about the effects of birth shock here)
Physical and emotional shock can disrupt our energy flow. This leaves us feeling very tired, unable to think clearly, unable to process emotions and feeling like everything is hard. For some there is an energetic imbalance between mother and child, that can leave them either over reliant on each other, or clashing with each other.
Conversely when balance is restored to the energy system of both mother and child, you suddenly have the energy to approach the million tasks that motherhood requires. You have the clarity to decide what’s important. Relationships come into balance and you start to enjoy, instead of endure, your Motherhood experience.
(If you feel you need energy healing please click here to learn about the Mother & Child Sessions I offer)
Matrescence refers to the developmental phase of new motherhood. Much like adolescence — it’s a stage when hormones surge, bodies change, and identity and relationships shift. Awareness can bring acceptance of these changes instead of feeling like something has gone wrong. It hasn’t.
It’s so important to understand this, as it explains so much of the ups & downs we experience in motherhood. How lovely would it be if we were prepared for this stage of our lives.
The ideal is to give ourselves the time and compassion, to adjust to our new role. Putting in place supports to ensure our own self-care isn’t neglected during this crucial time, is the best gift we can give ourselves and our children.
When we become a mother we are already playing by a set of rules that we're not even aware of, that we've internalised and adopted and that are being reinforced by the people around us.' Dr Sophie Brock
We all want to be the perfect mother but who exactly is she?
Some of us try to emulate our own mothers. Some of us are haunted by the mums of Instagram. Some of us try to keep up with the seemingly perfect mum in the friend group. But the reality is it is impossible to do all the ‘shoulds’ that society has thrown our way....... and it’s also not necessary!
It takes time to grow in confidence as a Mum. When we become clear on our own values and stop comparing ourselves to others, it becomes so much easier.
Here is a really useful journaling exercise to identify our own limiting beliefs and gain clarity on what’s really important to you as a mum: Journal Prompts
When we first become Mums we often introduce habits, which may make sense at the time, but eventually lead us to become hostages of our own choices.
For many of us this includes, neglecting our own basic needs (sleep, food, water), taking on full responsibility for all baby related decisions, and taking on the bulk of the load when it comes to housekeeping. Can you relate?
This becomes harder to maintain when we have more children and as our children get older, and perhaps some of us go back to work....... but continue to carry the load.
This can lead not only to burnout but to resentment and sadly discord in relationships.
We forget we have a choice. We forget we can change theses habits. This requires massive responsibility as we acknowledge we created our own prison and it is up to us the tear down those walls.
Journal Prompt
Where in my life do I feel imprisoned?
If I knew how to take the shackles off what would I do?
For many Mums the helplessness we feel when our children are unwell or unhappy can been a massive contributor to our overwhelm.
I recall in the early years of motherhood bringing my children to the doctor for everything from constipation and eczema to biting and night terrors… and I never felt any of it helped. I just had to watch my child suffer
Learning about Energy Healing and Essential Oils completely eradicated that fear. I learned that there is a natural solution for everything and I loved I that I could provide it for my child.
This of course was my motivation when I started teaching workshops in Energy and Oils because I truly feel every mum will benefit from knowing this.
And from this desire to empower other Mums, the Aligned Mama Membership was born .