5 Ways Energy Healing Can Help Mums
“Oonagh sent me and my two young boys some distance bio-energy healing recently. I didn't realise that I needed the healing more than my boys.
I was a shell of the woman I once was. The anxiety and worry of minding my two very young boys on my own every day since circumstances required us to social distance and stay at home, had taken its toll.
After one day of healing, I felt lighter and more motivated. By the end of the healing sessions, I felt almost like the old me, capable, confident and motivated. And most importantly lighter, as my worries, anxiety and fear certainly lessened. And my boys are flying it! “
This lovely testimonial is from one grateful Mum following a treatment for herself and her boys. It describes so well my own experience back in 2010 when I first received Energy Healing. My girls were age 4 and 2 and I was drowning in overwhelm and exhaustion. Energy Healing for me and for my girls completely transformed my experience of motherhood. At the time of course I didn’t understand how….. but I do now.
In my clinic I use a combination of energy modalities, most notably Bio Energy Therapy and HiddenMind Therapy. To give you a little understand the impact of Energy Healing, I've described here 5 ways that Energy Healing can help Mums:
- Clears Birth Trauma.
Many of us have experienced trauma giving birth. It doesn’t necessarily have to involve a life and death situation. Emotionally it can include feelings of vulnerability, helplessness, lack of control, not being heard. Physically we can experience trauma too, particularly if medical interventions are required. And energetically our energy flow can be interrupted, affecting our energy levels, mood, ability to heal and general wellness. Energy healing can clear the blockages caused by trauma for both Mum and child.
- Clears Overwhelm & Renews Energy
No none can prepare us for the responsibility and expectations associated with motherhood. Obviously you want to do everything in your power to support your child physically and emotionally and we often set unattainable standards for ourselves- look after baby and heal and prepare good food…..and clean house.. and maintain relationships with partner or friends or life before baby……etc etc .. oh and do it all perfectly with a smile on your face.
Everything on that to do list is draining your energy before you even get round to doing it. Energetic healing helps you cut energetic cords and reclaim your energy from anything that isn’t serving your health & wellbeing.
- Shifts Perception
One of the most common responses I receive after sessions is that they are viewing their role as Mum differently. It becomes easier to see it as a blessing rather than a burden. This is partly because when we have more energy we don’t mind tackling the day to day jobs. But also because clearing 3rd eye chakra brings about a wider perspective, a big picture view. When we are in survival mode we have the blinkers on and we just keep going. Energy Healing takes off the blinkers!
- Reconnects with Divine
Along with perspective shifts comes this realisation that we are not alone and that we are supported. I love hearing how Mums found out about me and the treatment I offer – it often shows numerous ‘coincidences’ which I call Spiritual Guidance. The idea that we are spiritual (energetic) beings having a human experience becomes more real the more in touch we are with the energetic aspect of ourselves.
- Empowers
For me a sense of empowerment was probably the greatest gift I received. To go from feeling helpless and hopeless, to learning that we are so much more than flesh and blood, and that we can heal from anything. To know that our natural state is wellness and with a little help we can return to balance- it takes the fear out of life’s challenges.
Taking it one step further, when a mum trains in Energy Healing herself, she has the tools to balance and restore her own energy and her child’s energy. And that is life changing
If you feel like you and your child may benefit from energy healing click here
If you’d to learn more about training in Energy Healing click this link
Image credit : https://www.chloetrayhurn.com/